It's God's Fault!
I've got a bone to pick and its with this asshole right here. According to people like Pat Robertson and Alan Keyes, both posessing seemingly sharp insight into the mind of God, all the awful shit that has happened to us within the last five years is actually God punishing us for among other things abortion, letting the gays run amok, pornography and teaching evolution in schools. Pat Robertson even went as far to predict where catastrophes will strike next based on who has kicked God out of their community.
In all seriousness, the whole "God Is Punishing" us mentality is dangerous, it is lazy and it is simply just not true. Believing such a fabrication only makes it easier for our elected officials to shirk responsibility for the catastrophes that have visited our nation.
Everything, and I mean EVERYTHING that has gone wrong in the US within the last few years has been completely preventable and has occurred not only because of human error, but an unwillingless to LISTEN and to ACT. Shall we take them one by one?
September 11
did not happen because of abortion in this country, as Keyes would have you believe. Osama bin Laden was a monster that the U.S. created starting in the '80's. That's right, the CIA trained and funded him although we knew he was an extremist. The big bad wolf back then was the Soviet Union and we made a deal with the Devil. It came back to bite us in the ass that morning when the trade towers came down and the Pentagon was attacked. Lets not also forget that memo warning of an imminent attack which was ignored by the powers that be.
Have we learned our lesson? Doesn't seem so. Our biggest "ally" in the "war on terror" seems to be Saudi Arabia where public beheadings and other barbaric punishments are still practiced. How long before they stab us in the back as well? When we they run out of oil or when we stop needing it as much?
did not happen because of the promiscuous gays acting a fool in the French Quarters (which was spared most of the damage.) Although nothing could have been done about the hurricane, scientists and engineers had been saying for years that the levees would not hold against a category 4 or 5 hurricane. Environmentalists had been saying for years that the destruction of the ocean-swell absorbing marshlands around New Orleans could mean disasterous flooding in New Orleans. FEMA even had simulations of what a theoretical Hurricane Pam could do to New Orleans. All this was known way ahead of the hurricane. Instead of building stronger levees, our elected officials chose to under-fund them. Instead of piecing together a contingency plan that included rich and poor people alike, the government sat on its ass. To add insult to injury, Bush AND our Congress appointed someone with zero disaster experience to handle the crucial job of running FEMA. It was not God that flooded New Orleans, it was the unwillingness of our government to listen to the folks who knew better than anyone what needed to be done.
Ariel Sharon's Stroke
seemed to be caused more from his age and carelessness when it came to diet and exercise than any act of God. Had a blood-clot mysteriously appeared in the brain of an otherwise healthy man, then maybe you can run for cover, clutching your Bible and praying to be one of the few to be Raptured into heaven. But anyone with a eyes can see the man loved having his cake and eating it too.
The sad part is that Sharon was key to finally achieving peace. What Robertson claimed was "dividing God's land" was actually returning land that Israel had no business keeping. Signs indicate that Sharon's successor may not be as open to compromise as Sharon was. This coupled with Hamas now being the dominant party among the Palestinians cannot bode well for peace.
Man kind has been blaming catastrophe on an angry God(s) for millenia. Its only natural that we do it now. But honestly, lets give God a break. Afterall, He evolved us to have a highly sophisticated brain so that we can solve our own problems.
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