I have finally found the courage and motivation to take up writing again. I see this posting of my innermost thoughts as a cathartic way of dealing with the world, a release valve for when I want to blow off steam, a space for my socio-political rantings against Republicans and also, for those that know OF me to actually get to know me. Thoughts, comments and suggestions are always welcome ... lets do this!

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Ding-Dong The Witch Is Dead!

Surprise, surprise! The woman that said herself that if confirmed she would need a "crash course" in Constitutional Law has at least shown she is smart enough to avoid the embarassment of uniting the Democrats and Republicans in defeating her nomination. This is a good thing because she would have been the Michael Brown of this country's judicial system. It would have been Katrina all over reproductive rights, civil rights and environmental protection.

But what now? What a pickle Bush is in! He might actually have to sit down and actually think about who he should nominate instead of handing the job over to one of his cronies. Get someone too liberal or "unknown" in their decisions (assuming that they are judges) the conservatives will be up in arms. Get someone leaning too far to the right and the Democrats (if they still have a pair of balls between the lot of them) will raise hell, filibuster and drag Congressional business to a halt.

Maybe the strain will be too much on our fragile-minded president and he will start hitting that bottle again, God willing. At least then we'd have an excuse to impeach him. (As if starting a war on lies, letting thousands of poor people die in Katrina's floodwaters, stealing from the poor and elderly to give to the rich, destroying our environment and doing nothing about gas prices and our dependence on foreign oil is not enough reason.) Needless to say I will be waiting to see who the next nominee is.

At least its not this heiffer. She looks like she could scare the justice out of any legal proceeding.


Blogger Karamale said...

if bush hasn't been impeached after six years of bullshit (and, in fact, reelected after four), why would he be now? that would require a groundswell of attention-paying that americans in general aren't very accustomed to.

welcome back, baracutey.

8:05 PM

Blogger soforeal said...

nice blog but its december are you EVER going to come back.

will check u out soon pa take care.

3:05 AM


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