I have finally found the courage and motivation to take up writing again. I see this posting of my innermost thoughts as a cathartic way of dealing with the world, a release valve for when I want to blow off steam, a space for my socio-political rantings against Republicans and also, for those that know OF me to actually get to know me. Thoughts, comments and suggestions are always welcome ... lets do this!

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Happy New Years!

Well Happy Belated New Years to all! As with most of my past journals/diaries/bitchfests, I started off strong and then got lazy, tied up or too busy filling my void with some sort of meaningless overly-sexual, of-little-substance relationship(s) to keep up with it. Two out of three aint too bad this time around *wink*.

But with the New Year's come new resolutions that of course will be buried and forgotten by mid-January like the still-born offsprings of the weak-willed minds that create them. February tops. But until then I've decided to try to see if I can perhaps maybe focus a little bit on the following areas:

1) My Basement - Okay, so I decided to be more of a Bob Vila when I should have stuck to Martha Stuart. Sue me. My basement still remains in shambles as I lack the time and motivation to finish the massive undertaking that is remodeling my basement. I should have hired one of the Salvadorean crews that hangs out in front of Home Depot and called it a day. Maybe its not too late *rubs chin thoughtfully*.

2) My Body - Its about damn time I started admiring those hot manly bodies from my full length mirror instead of relying on my collection of pornographic yahoo groups! I'm tired of being fat/chunky/thick/big-boned. Choose what euphemism you will. These love handles have been holding on for dear life long enough. To that end I can at least say I've been doing somewhat well for myself since my birthday (another time of meaningless resolutions). Maybe I should post body shots to show my progress? NOT! The fact remains, I am going to be in Puerto Rico for Memorial Day weekend this year (sans the sand) and I am going to wear the whorish-leaves-nothing-to-the-imagination bathing suit I bought years ago in the Village and foolishly used to tack to my fridge in hopes that it would keep me from sneaking in a midnight snack. (With the lights off, I always missed it anyway.)

3) My Interpersonal Relationships - This has been a very long time in coming. Paradoxically, my interpersonal relationships have a lot more to do with my intrapersonal relationship, i.e. what goes on inside my head and my proactions and reactions to certain external stimuli. More on this fascinating topic in my next posting.

4) This blog - I DO have two ideas (one rant and one introspective) for an upcoming entry so at least this resolution isn't bullshit! I promise!


Blogger soforeal said...

PR for memorial day huh? Im going to my hometown Miami and have set the same goal for myself. Good luck with that.

12:27 PM

Blogger T. Zac. R. d V. said...

Pa I feel you on admiring those hot bodies in my own mirror (usually I'm standing behind him) my body.

Glad you are back blogging, love your perspective and writing.

10:47 PM

Blogger Karamale said...

all right, gotdammit. we'll see how long this posting spurt lasts. :-)

4:22 PM

Blogger Principio said...

lets see if your next entry is going to be in March :P

10:44 AM

Blogger ShawnQt said...

Cool Blog You Have Here!

12:00 PM

Blogger Frederick Smith said...

Hey... you have a nice blog. I hope you continue adding to it. Like what you have to say!

6:17 PM


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