I have finally found the courage and motivation to take up writing again. I see this posting of my innermost thoughts as a cathartic way of dealing with the world, a release valve for when I want to blow off steam, a space for my socio-political rantings against Republicans and also, for those that know OF me to actually get to know me. Thoughts, comments and suggestions are always welcome ... lets do this!

Monday, January 29, 2007

Happy New Years!

The year 2007 is actually a month past and I am happy to say that I have made it past another year stronger, wiser, healthier and more in touch with my soul and spirit. In the past year I have felt pain but have also experienced growth. I have fallen down several times but have learned not only to get up, but to also heed the lesson that was taught.

I have made great strides in excorising my inner demons. I catch them every so often attempting to rear their thorny heads but I have learned how to recognize them. I have learned that my thoughts are what hold me back and that to take things personally is simultaneously arrogant and fearful.

My personal relationships (both platonic and non) have benefitted greatly. Long gone are the days of unhealthy relationships and situations. I've (finally) learned to be HONEST with myself and with others... most the times *wink*.

This year will be my year of focus professionally, academically and physically. I got a bit of a wake up call (for which I kept hitting the snooze button) last year during performance evaluations at work. I did less than stellar and I immediately recognized my problem: lack of motivation. Since then I have been proactive in seeking assignments at work that play to my skills and interests. I have realized that I have been coasting career-wise, just floating along and doing what others want me to do instead of being proactive with my career. No more. I have also been proactive in maintaining and sticking to a SCHEDULE. Again, I have been coasting in that regard. But no more. Going to my FABULOUS gym (Lifetime Fitness) has also been something that I have been coasting on. No more. With my new schedule I have created a very aggressive workout schedule for myself and have thus far been able to keep it with some encouraging results.

I've also decided to get braces. I was tired of my baby teeth looking like little pieces of white corn stuck between my other teeth. I had a double extraction (of the baby canines) and an exposure of the adult teeth. By exposure I mean a surgeon cut open my gums and chiseled my skull to expose the adult canines that never came down. The braces pulling them down into position are nothing compared to the pain of recovering from the surgery. Also, being high on laughing gas is no joke. I had some real real deep existential thoughts that kind of scared the shit out of me. Unfortunately one of the chains recently popped so I had to go in for a third time to get the damn bracket put back on my left impacted tooth. Fortunately, they seem to be moving which is great news for me. I am still very self-conscious about having two of my teeth temporarily missing. I've grown a "Miss Celie" complex about smiling and laughing. I cover them hoes up!!

What else? OOOH! The Dems have finally wrested control from the Republifascists!! Nanci Pelosi is gearing up to deliver a fierce ass kick to the President. I hope they impeach him I really do. I mean come on! Clinton gets impeached for getting his caaauck sucked and lying about it but Bush lies about WMD's, gets our soldiers killed and... okay that is for another post. Anyway, I am just glad that I have no Republican representation anymore. (That Macaca Lt. Governor is gone as well as his boss and we have a new Democratic senator in Congress.) Not to mention our new Lt. Governor, Anthony Brown is a cutie-patootie!

Anyway, I ramble. My next post will be a selection of pictures from 2006 that I have on my hard-drive waiting to get printed. I am curious as to what this new year will bring and I pray that I have the courage and conviction to continue focusing on what I need to in my life.


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